

Thursday, May 17, 2012

cloud & were good ideas come from

the cloud would be very helpful and easy i like the fact that i can get on my e-mail and phone were ever i am but i don't think its for every one some people mite use it for the wrong reasons also the were good ideas come from it was really very interesting because it talks about how how people want to be more creative also how people want to be more innovated and this clip just a way to help with those things also to help you under stand how to do so

Thursday, May 10, 2012

free internet

The video has pointed out a major effect that i didn't realize. We are all becoming in basically a uniform society where everyone is becoming more and more similar in ways they would never think about. I think that this video could be a huge wake up call to a lot of people in my generation and future generations.


well if i do the step by step after will my profile be hid from everyone or just the people i choose because i let family and friends look at my stuff but i don't really like the fact that everyone can look at my facebook page


wat about music

public performance rights licensing is now handled by two  large companies named ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) and BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated) i had no idea a peson could listen to over a 1000 songs thats crazy

Friday, May 4, 2012

i thought that the clip was interesting i learned a lot about the internet that never knew before i just thought it was a really good clip all together

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

so i have a lot of personal things that i have to deal with rite now until the 10 so i probably wont get very much stuff done i am sorry i am mental depressed and i am just really stressed if Mrs. archer would like to no what happened just let me know and i will let you know i sorry i am just really distracted

Monday, April 2, 2012

google alerts

A&M Students Create ZeroTouch Technology
A&M invention allows people to interact with computers in a completely new way. i think it is going to be a big hit for students it looks and sounds fun and easy which i don't know about you but i like fun and easy when it comes to school

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

what we have learned in class

well i learned that i will be more careful on what i put on the web i don't really like the new policy just for the fact that anyone and everyone could go though my stuff like right now some one could be watching me type this post and i don't even know it its kind of scary when you think about it and i will most likely search my name and my nick names on google alerts

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


well i think that i am going to tell everyone about the footprint thing because there is a personal info issue also a safty issue even on your own computer which is kinda scary well it really is scary i am glad i do not get on the computer that often


Friday, January 27, 2012

a vision of students today

google alerts

i found out that it will take at least $3,000 to update the hard drives which are too slow to run many current programs also Two years ago a school librarian received a $15,000 grant that paid for many of the computers in the shared homework lab The rest however can be unreliable and can't be easily fixed when something goes wrong

Monday, January 23, 2012

class reflection

well so far i have learned how to use  a lot of different things such as igoogle, blogger, diigo, google, and more i really like the blogger, diigo it helps me learn how to use the computer a lot better now we are learning how to tell a fake web site from a real web site we are working in groups it sounds fun but really hard so i am going to get started on that

google alerts

i really like google alert because you can look up anything and you will get messages to your e-mail about what ever it was that you looked up and you can go though and read them also you can select ones that you like the best and move it to your home page i really like the alerts and it makes things easier to get to

Friday, January 20, 2012

what we have learned in class

well so far i have learned that computers are not all that bad and i learned about a few new e-mails which are great i really like diigo it has a lot of things you can do and it makes it easier to keep track of everything i also like the blogger because it is very simple we learned how to use blogger, i google, gmail, diigo , and more i am starting to like this class

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


i think that computers aren't all that bad wen you use them for the right things when you are playing games and watching youtube all the time yes i can see how it would be bad for you me personaly i am not very good with computers but i would love to have one that i can use all the time for homework and things i also think that some kids might really be becoming mentaly unstable but other then that i don't really have anything else to say besides technology is very handy and fast it makes things a lot easier depending on the use thanks